valnet / valuenetwork

Resource Planning and Value Accounting for Value Networks
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Visuals #438

Open TiberiusB opened 9 years ago

TiberiusB commented 9 years ago

We need more visuals from the NRP.

Also, issue about the public visibility of one individual's sensitive information, like $ in someone's virtual account.

bhaugen commented 9 years ago

Those are all great ideas. Where do you want to see them? In NRP, or excerpts for, or both?

If only on, do you want NRP to generate the visuals, or do you want spreadsheet-format exports so you can work with them? (P.S. what happened to that guy who was gonna do some graphs?)

And how do we deal with the individual sensitive info? Show only to the individual, show to all logged-in users, or what?

fosterlynn commented 9 years ago

Also, we should show at least the amount in a person's virtual account in text form somewhere more accessible. (Doesn't have to wait for visuals.)

Some question of nav structure - We have My Work, but don't have My Finances (or similar name). Could be we do more dropdown menus, as we also have similar nav issues elsewhere. (Thus far we have not gone there because they tend to be difficult for some users.)

One possible solution for this: Change the My Work page to be more broad, My Stuff or better name, and include a small financial section there. Also deals with the visibility question because the My Work page is only seen by the person.