valnet / valuenetwork

Resource Planning and Value Accounting for Value Networks
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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UI - themes #452

Open TiberiusB opened 8 years ago

TiberiusB commented 8 years ago

Implement different themes for interacting with the NRP-VAS, which maximize some aspects and minimize others, thus reducing noise, increasing efficiency, focusing...

One example is a project-centric theme, where the user explores different projects for different reasons, to find something to do, to find something to use (get inspired from), to find something to invest in ($, time, ...), to compare with other projects. Another example is a people-centric theme, where the user explores other users for different reasons, to find someone to do something, to see what someone is doing, to see how someone is related to someone else, etc.

Another example is an activity type/domain-centric theme, where the user explores projects in a certain domain of activity, where to apply his skills, what domains are covered by the entire ecosystem and how different domains relate to each others, how active or popular certain domains are, ... ,

Another example is a resource-centric theme, where the user is looking for find some equipment or tool, to understand the total assets accessible to the entire ecosystem, how certain resources are used and where, why some resources are not used, if there is a need for a certain resource, ...

bhaugen commented 8 years ago

@TiberiusB - those all seem valid to me.

Vegasvikk commented 8 years ago

Hi: How are you going to decide which theme to use? I am interested in your philosophy but I don't understand how decisions are finalized.

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

@Vegasvikk hi and welcome!

We don't have to settle just for one theme particularly. And it will get worked out between the networks who use the software and the developers. Our (current main developers') philosophy is that we work directly with people who are developing their economic networks on the ground, mostly taking their lead, within our model and scope. And there tends to be lots of experimentation, within the limits of our time and expertise. No formal decision making process as of yet.

There is a UI designer working very part time on new UI ideas, which is part of what sparked this issue.

If you feel comfortable sharing, we'd be interested in what brought you here and what you are interested in!