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Resource Planning and Value Accounting for Value Networks
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Why aren't Exchange Types, a type of transaction? #519

Open TiberiusB opened 5 years ago

TiberiusB commented 5 years ago

Hi @bhaugen and @fosterlynn can we consider Citation as an exchange type, a transaction in the NRP? A Citation is some sort of contribution provided by other agents to the agent that has created the resource. Perhaps you can have this discussion in the Value Flows context.

fosterlynn commented 5 years ago

Thanks! But I don't think it is an exchange or transfer type, although I see where you are going - sort of a reputation-y thing. It is an event type, and the event records something that happened as input to a process, and is important in linking processes together in a value flow. If you wanted to count up citations to a resource, you could do it by counting the cite events.

Note NRP doesn't have anything called "transaction" so it is not clear how that fits in....

But interestingly, in VF we are looking at citations in conjunction with usage and work, for what and where in the event something like the Sensorica percentage might go.

bhaugen commented 5 years ago

[Lynn and I were posting at the same time, hope this is not confusing. We are not actually disagreeing but maybe focusing a little differently.]

Citation is an EventType in NRP. EventTypes have been renamed Actions in Value Flows but mean pretty much the same as they did in Sensorica.

So citations are granted when somebody uses a resource as an input to a process. Whoever created or donated the resource can get any citations for the same resource, if it is used in lots of processes (like a design, for example).

Do you mean also creating an exchange where somebody contributes a resource and in exchange they get a citation? And do you have in mind material resources like equipment or consumables in addition to designs and ideas which would be the usually cited resources?