valnoxy / t440p-oc

💻 Lenovo ThinkPad T440p Hackintosh (Big Sur, Monterey & Ventura Beta) - OpenCore
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No sound after wake from sleep #38

Closed VinylNerd closed 2 years ago

VinylNerd commented 2 years ago

Hello, i can not get sound to work out of built in speaker after sleeping, is this happening for anything else or just me? headphone jack and all other audio works, going on 6+ hours trying to fix this and going a bit crazy

if you don't have the issue please post your pmset and bootargs

~ % sudo pmset -g System-wide power settings: Currently in use: lidwake 1 autopoweroff 0 standbydelayhigh 86400 autopoweroffdelay 259200 standbydelaylow 10800 standby 0 proximitywake 0 ttyskeepawake 0 hibernatemode 25 powernap 0 gpuswitch 0 hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage highstandbythreshold 50 displaysleep 60 womp 0 networkoversleep 0 sleep 1 (sleep prevented by coreaudiod, Music, mds, mds_stores) tcpkeepalive 0 halfdim 1 disksleep 0

VinylNerd commented 2 years ago


sudo pmset standy 0 will result in loss of audio with VoodooHDA and AppleALC, unfortunately this seemed to help with reliability of display coming up during a wake (common problem for me)