[ ] Prerequisites: Organization admin has enabled SSH access on selected port (guidance on how to do this in Valohai and in your AWS/GCP/Azure) and what kind of port numbers can I use
[ ] General info: How is access limited/controlled (only available for hybrid and self-hosted environments, each exec has its own ssh key, you can whitelist IPs under your cloud security groups/ firewalls)
[x] What kind of limitations do you have (you're in a docker instance, not the whole machine)
[x] How to generate an SSH key and add it to a Valohai execution
[x] Where can I find the IP of the machine? (Should be on top of the logs when using non-Valohai machines)
[x] How to connect from terminal to a Valohai execution
[x] How to keep my execution/Docker container up and running so it doesn't interrupt the connection while you're connected inside the container
From my point of view, would be great to cover: