Open ErikYu opened 2 years ago
[x] Make pressing enter send the message (add checkbox to disable this)
[ ] Make seed include a few read and unread messages
[x] Include ability to send messages to self
[x] fix dark mode highlighting of active chat
[x] remove you, that is known when its on the right side.
[ ] name for individual typing does not need to be in the chat box, should be more like wechat, however this does not need to be there at all for 1:1 conversations.
[x] search does not work for the messages search panel
[x] no way to create group chat (should be part of our standard example), with all three default users and a little bit of history
[ ] logging out user1 resets the text between user 1 and user3 to some weird state
[x] add support for pasting images into chat box, with x for removing them similar to slack.
more to be added...