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Sign Up and Try it free feature has not been implemented #617

Open sawyerbutton opened 2 years ago

sawyerbutton commented 2 years ago


Check Pages functionality works


Logged user should be able to choose billing plan on the 'Plans&Pricing' page


When User choose any 'billing plan' on the 'Pricing' page click on 'Sign up' or 'Try it for free' button on 'Billing plan' example page than some 'Billing form' popup opens fullfiled with the User name and chosen Billing plan title, and with empty 'Credit card' fields, that are able to fill by the user with data


The Plans&Pricing' page reloads to the Start page after clicking on the 'Sing up' or 'Try it for free' button on 'Billing plan' example page

Dev's comment

sawyerbutton commented 2 years ago

@apotapcukv In my opinion, Pricing page's feature is not real sign up Try it free, It's more like a presentation for how to make a price page. So these click action may don't have any real workflow. How about remove the redirect feature after click the button.

apotapcukv commented 2 years ago

@sawyerbutton From my point of view, it'll be better to add to it a redirection popup link before this feature will be implemented but it is up to you.