valor-software / ng2-table

Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging... for Angular2 apps
MIT License
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Production Build Error #614

Open harikrishnanrlive opened 5 years ago

harikrishnanrlive commented 5 years ago

Hi, We added a checkbox in the first row in a table using ng2-table. On the time normal developement, we are not getting any error in the application but at the time of the production build also we are not getting any error in the application. The problem is our checkbox is visible only on the development environment but after taking the production build we can`t able to see the checkbox which we are seeing in the development environment. I am attaching the sample code below. If you have any solutions please check and let me know

<table class=\"table dataTable\" ngClass=\"{{config.className || ''}}\"\n role=\"grid\" style=\"width: 100%;\">\n \n <tr role=\"row\">\n <th ngFor=\"let column of columns\" [ngTableSorting]=\"config\" [column]=\"column\" \n (sortChanged)=\"onChangeTable($event)\" ngClass=\"{{column.className || ''}}\">\n {{column.title}}\n <i ngIf=\"config && column.sort\" class=\"pull-right fa\"\n [ngClass]=\"{'fa-chevron-down': column.sort === 'desc', 'fa-chevron-up': column.sort === 'asc'}\">\n \n \n \n \n <tr ngIf=\"showFilterRow\">\n <td ngFor=\"let column of columns\">\n <input ngIf=\"column.filtering\" placeholder=\"{{column.filtering.placeholder}}\"\n [ngTableFiltering]=\"column.filtering\"\n class=\"form-control\"\n style=\"width: auto;\"\n (tableChanged)=\"onChangeTable(config)\"/>\n \n \n <tr ngFor=\"let row of rows\">\n <td (click)=\"cellClick(row,\" *ngFor=\"let column of columns\" [innerHtml]=\"sanitize(getData(row,\">\n \n \n \n

this code we have written in the ng-table.component.js inside the node-modules folder.

We have overwritten sanitizer value as HTML.
