valor-software / ngx-bootstrap

Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular (supports Ivy engine)
MIT License
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feat(animations): add animations to all components #801

Open masiamj opened 8 years ago

masiamj commented 8 years ago

Blocked by:

Are animations for the accordion, alerts, etc. on the roadmap for this project? Would be huge to further reflect fully-featured Bootstrap components.

jurienhamaker commented 8 years ago


qjnz commented 8 years ago

Yes, could someone please advise the timeline for releasing the transition module?

qjnz commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, from this file \ng2-bootstrap\components\collapse\collapse.directive.ts, you guys have implemented the animation transition but commented them all out because of the following ng issue.

however, the issue 5984 has been closed in June 2016, can you guys advise when the animation will be enabled for ng2-bootstrap please?

// fix: replace with // '@angular/animate'; // when will be fixed

raghavan85 commented 8 years ago

+1 Animations are quintessential for something like Accordion.

wolfgangmeyers commented 7 years ago

Any updates on this?

valorkin commented 7 years ago

ok, with angular2 2.1 animations became a thing, so they will be added soon

fareesh commented 7 years ago

I needed accordion animations for a project so I made some very specific tweaks that work for my use-case. If anyone is interested you can check out:

Would also be happy to make the necessary changes to make this usable in a generic case if someone can point me in the right direction.

Scipionh commented 7 years ago

Hope the animations are coming soon, it's definitely a must.

zmnv commented 7 years ago

Any solutions??

valorkin commented 7 years ago

I can add almost all animations, but I will have to drop IE9 support because they simply doesn't work there plus at the moment it is hard to configure them

zmnv commented 7 years ago

@valorkin да это какой-то беспредел вообще. юзаю ангуляр 2 юниверсал, там мне админ говорит мол используй версию ng2-bootstrap 1.1.16. Потому что jQuery там (в юниверсале) работает через задницу, он работает, но в компонентах другие плагины типа owl.carousel2 отрубаются.

думал хоть это заработает. заработало. перелопатил css этот, зачем вообще использовать display, когда при разных значениях никакая анимация не работает. отрубаешь дисплей, меняешь на height: 0 (auto) и т.д. и все работает. Уже третьи сутки сижу потею как черт))

И то, если css правишь, то работает только opacity.

k20human commented 7 years ago


Any news / solution on this issue ?

valorkin commented 7 years ago

@k20human seems in ng v4+ animations will come as needed ;)

zmnv commented 7 years ago

@k20human just edit css files. The problem in 'display: block'. Delete it or replace to another style, besauce 'transitions' doesnt work with display: block in that case.

It helps for me. But after that i tryed SWIPER and its awesome

k20human commented 7 years ago

Finally i use animate.css and use collapsed and expanded method in my component to add or remove class (for now)

public collapsed(event:any):void {
        this.render.setElementClass(event._el.nativeElement, 'slideInDown', false);
        this.render.setElementClass(event._el.nativeElement, 'slideOutDown', true);

    public expanded(event:any):void {
        this.render.setElementClass(event._el.nativeElement, 'slideOutDown', false);
        this.render.setElementClass(event._el.nativeElement, 'slideInDown', true);
valorkin commented 7 years ago

Biggest issue with animation at the moment, that directives doesn't support animation :(

valorkin commented 7 years ago

It's kinda blocker

JetpackDuba commented 7 years ago

Has improved this situation with angular 4?

judsonmusic commented 7 years ago


kaweski commented 7 years ago


valorkin commented 7 years ago

4.1 promises to bring required features, but we will see

JetpackDuba commented 7 years ago

Angular 4.1 is out! Does it bring the required features @valorkin ?

valorkin commented 7 years ago

@aeab13 issue to track angular progress I am actually a bit tired of waiting, so most probably I will provide some workaround

michelebombardi commented 7 years ago

News about this? I'm using Collpase directive on navbar menu (on small screens) but the animation does not work

@k20human I've tried your solution but it animates only the link, the background still appears instantly.

xjben commented 7 years ago

any updates?

valorkin commented 7 years ago

in angular v4.2 added AnimationBuilder so... ;) in nearest time I will be adding animation to all existing components

danielGz commented 7 years ago

@valorkin now that you're adding animations to all components it would be really useful to be able to disable or enable programmatically.

valorkin commented 7 years ago

Animation without options to disable it will not be deployed

huyqut commented 7 years ago

Is there any progress on this yet? I'm looking forward to it. 👍

ersimont commented 7 years ago

I've been surprised by the lack of UI libraries available for Angular 2, even now 10 months after its official release! Material 2 is still in beta. Ng-bootstrap is still in alpha (and requires Bootstrap 4 which is in alpha). I've seen PrimeNG and MDBootstrap, but neither of those seem right for my needs. So thank you for working in this space!

Animation support is the last piece my team at work needs to adopt this library and start migrating from AngularJS. I'm looking forward to it!

valorkin commented 7 years ago

To add animation I will have to drop support of ng prior to 4.2.*, when animation builder was introduced There are already @next version, with ng v4 support

ersimont commented 7 years ago

To add animation I will have to drop support of ng prior to 4.2.*, when animation builder was introduced

It makes sense that it could be a breaking change. Or is it possible to disable animations if AnimationBuilder is not available? That could make it an opt-in feature even for people who are using Angular 4.2+. I remember that ui-bootstrap worked that way -- if you didn't include angular-animate it still worked without animations. But maybe that's harder in Typescript/Angular than it was with AngularJS.

There are already @next version, with ng v4 support

I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you mean here.

valorkin commented 7 years ago

Same here, but what if someone wants routing animation, but not collapse element animation, so they should be able to turn it on/off per component. To the end of July I hope to publish animation and close 80% of currently existing issues :)

dkacuesta commented 7 years ago


Any news about this? I'm using collapse animation and it is not working.

valorkin commented 7 years ago

Next week we are dropping support of ng v4, and moving to ng v4 So animation will be added soon

JetpackDuba commented 7 years ago

Next week we are dropping support of ng v4, and moving to ng v4 So animation will be added soon

Did you want to say that you are dropping support of ng v2 and not v4?

valorkin commented 7 years ago


dkacuesta commented 7 years ago

@valorkin Thank you so much :)

swapsword commented 6 years ago

Will be waiting for animations to be added into ngx-bootstrap accordion. However, till then, is there any other way to add animation for ngx-bootstrap accordion? As, we are using ngx-bootstrap in our project and wants to add animation for ngx-bootstrap accordion. Hope you have some solution!

nguyenbathanh commented 6 years ago

Any update on this?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Is there any good walkaround?

MetaiR commented 6 years ago

this is 2018 and angular version is 5.2. isn't there any update on this??

valorkin commented 6 years ago


valorkin commented 6 years ago

we are working to get it soon

MetaiR commented 6 years ago

thanks so much

skhye05 commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much

fmoutawe commented 6 years ago

Great news ! Thanks you for your work on this package !

adrianbarbe commented 6 years ago

That's one of the reason why I have chosen VueJs 2 over Angular. I like Angular but the conservatism and the lack of things like these (animations in UI-packages etc) makes me sad.

DemianFuentes commented 6 years ago

There are news about it? I'm looking for a way to add animations to alerts, someone know if there are a way to do this? thanks!

halaz-lazlo commented 6 years ago

@DemianFuentes couldn't you do it with css animation?