valotas / karma-parcel

Karma with Parcel bundler
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Double import in the Entry.js #25

Closed adaliszk closed 1 year ago

adaliszk commented 3 years ago

I was trying out this plugin and it seems it could work, however, there is an issue I am facing where the generated entry.js file has the import for my file twice:

import "../tests/unit/custom-element.test.ts";
import "../tests/unit/custom-element.test.ts";

The configuration is fairly simple:

module.exports = (config) => {
            frameworks: ["mocha", "chai", "parcel"],
            files: [
                    pattern: "tests/**/*.test.ts",
                    watched: false,
                    included: false
            preprocessors: {
                "tests/**/*.ts": ["parcel"]
            reporters: ["progress", "coverage"],
            browsers: ["ChromeHeadless"],
            concurrency: Infinity,
            singleRun: true,

            plugins: [

            coverageReporter: {
                type: 'html',
                dir: `${__dirname}/tests/coverage/`

    return config

The test itself:

import {expect} from 'chai'
import '../../source/custom-element'

describe('custom-element', () => {
    it('can be tested', () => {

The issue with the double import that in this case the CustomElementRegistry will be called multiple times with the same element definitions and thus yield an Error.

In any way, I don't think it's actually intended to import the same file multiple times. I've had a quick look at the code, and from what I can tell, there is no check if a particular file was already added, so this could be a very simple fix.

valotas commented 1 year ago

Fixed with #47