valpackett / systemstat

Rust library for getting system information | also on
The Unlicense
610 stars 71 forks source link

how is systemstat related to the get_sys_info crate? #105

Closed bbigras closed 2 years ago

bbigras commented 2 years ago

Is get_sys_info a fork?

I just want to know which is the original crate.

valpackett commented 2 years ago

Seems to be. It's kind of a suspicious fork, completely changed authorship information and readme is the only obvious change.

Didn't even bother to edit the URLs for the little badge images:

[![API Docs](](

There isn't even a github repo linked.

bbigras commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Does your license require that fork to mention systemstat or the original authors?

valpackett commented 2 years ago

No, it doesn't. This is fine legally, just weird.

bbigras commented 2 years ago

Gotcha, thanks.