valpackett / systemstat

Rust library for getting system information | also on
The Unlicense
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Closed explosion-mental closed 1 year ago

explosion-mental commented 1 year ago

a quick overview of the funtions and supported platforms. It can also contain useful notes.

first of all, what are your thoughts on it?

I'm using org-mode since it's easier for me, but maybe switching to markdown would be more 'standard'.

Ah wait so in rust u use /// for docs on crates, better be using that.

Here is the preview

explosion-mental commented 1 year ago

I gotta mention that this lib is also analyzed here, yet another rust _psuti_l like crate, but the async part is yet too far from my understandings (that's y im here c:).

valpackett commented 1 year ago

I don't think there's a need to basically duplicate the example .rs. Compatibility table might be a good idea. But ideally autogenerated from the code..