Open Kurtaja opened 11 months ago
As is, the file does not save the navigation in the ROS bag file. For my use case, I already had the navigation available in another ROS bag file so I only needed properly timestamped PointCloud messages.
The script could be extended to also save the nav data. We'd need to think a bit about the best ROS message(s) to use for the nav data.
Hi, I'm trying to use the script with the aim to obtain a point cloud file from it. This is how I call the script 'python -o myBagFile.bag myKmFile.kmall' , which creates the 'myBagFile.bag' file ok. Then I convert it to a pcd file with this script, " import rosbag import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2 import numpy as np import open3d as o3d
def bag_to_pcd(bag_file, topic, output_pcd_file): accumulated_points = []
if name == "main": bag_file = "myBagFile.bag" topic = "mbes/pings" output_pcd_file = "myPclFile.pcd"
" , which also makes the 'myPclFile.pcd' file ok. However, when displaying the pcd file in a point cloud viewer, all the scans end up in the same spot, as if the vessel was not moving (which it is). I'm sure there must be a dead simple detail that I'm missing, but I'm not able to figure how. Do you have the possibility to show me how I can make sure that I get the navigation, attitudes as well as compensation for svp into the exported files? Kind regards