valtech / aem-easy-content-upgrade

AEM Easy Content Upgrade simplifies content migrations in AEM projects
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Clarify underlying JCR session in documentation #220

Open kwin opened 1 year ago

kwin commented 1 year ago

For each of the execution possibilities the underlying JCR session/resource resolver should be clarified. I guess this is

  1. Startup hook: service resolver (which one, which permissions by default?)
  2. Install hook: service resolver (which one, which permissions by default?)
  3. Manual execution: requests based resolver (bound to the user session)
kwin commented 1 year ago

Particularly it is not clear when which of the three service users from are used from where.

nhirrle commented 1 year ago

Hi @kwin First of all sorry for the late answer. You are right, there are some improvements to do not only on the documentation side but also implementation side. For the startup hook more permissions are required so the aecu-admin is used. For the manual execution within groovy indeed the user session should be used but it is not right now the case and instead a service user is used. There is also protection on the Groovyconsole itself, usually a user with administration rights is able to execute groovyscripts only ( see / Script Execution Allowed Groups). Best, Nicolas