valueflows / agent

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Attempt to make turtle represent Agent and get a good diagram. #58

Closed fosterlynn closed 8 years ago

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

This PR is for feedback at this stage. The picture is getting to where I more or less like it. I don't know if the Turtle is correct, @pmackay

Note: I created a subClassOf rdf:Property called RelationshipType. elf had suggested this in a gitter conversation, but we certainly didn't decide it, and elf suggests a lot of things just to brainstorm and get us to think. :) It does however give us a way to keep all the relationships gathered in one place kind of. Otherwise all properties will eventually go there. @ahdinosaur what do you think of this (and everything else).

Also, still using vf:label. And can't remember or find a standard vocab for urls that isn't @id as in json-ld. This is for the url and the image on Agent. I'll figure it out, just noting it isn't right.

Since I don't want to merge it, here is what it looks like in vowl: agent-ttl

pmackay commented 8 years ago

@fosterlynn If the Turtle is representing the vocab the way you need, its probably fine! I'm learning myself about best practice here.

ahdinosaur commented 8 years ago

regarding image and url, keen to delegate to as:image and as:url.

ahdinosaur commented 8 years ago

this is looking really great @fosterlynn. :smiley: super keen to be using turtle and vowl.

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

do we add owl:equivalentProperty skos:prefLabel here?

@ahdinosaur yes, we can add all that extra definitional stuff. I took some out because it cluttered the diagram too much for my taste. Maybe 2 versions, one for the diagram and one for the definitions.

And we need to keep in sync with the json-ld context.

regarding image and url, keen to delegate to as:image and as:url.

Is as the best place to get those? (I haven't researched)

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

.... or maybe just use turtle for the diagram and just use the context for the definitions???

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

I have improved it somewhat, so am killing this PR. New one to follow.

ahdinosaur commented 8 years ago

.... or maybe just use turtle for the diagram and just use the context for the definitions???

or we use turtle for both the diagram and the definitions. the JSON-LD context would then be linking the definitions to how it works in JSON-LD.