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Possible VF apps: freelancers and refugees #102

Closed fosterlynn closed 4 years ago

fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

From the welcome chat, see detail below, but here are a couple key points pulled out:

Alex: So what we hope for is an easy server that i can just npm install valueflows and then npm start and the server will run and have a web interface and hopefully an easy way to connect via API to services like our accounting service ( or even the official government websites and our bank account

and have some kind of market place that gives you an overview over products and services offered by others and also "construction sites" (like what resoures exist under which terms and conditions so that you can start be a little "entrepreneur" (like the guy who printed and sold a 3D model in our past printer example)

Lynn: so, VF is vocabulary and protocols, not software - although we hope there will be lots of "native" VF apps, see here

====================== Alexander Praetorius @serapath 09:00 @bhaugen hey :grinning: i hope you remember me. It's been at least a few month. I'd like to pick up the conversation from back then about how to integrate Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 09:02 hi alex, welcome back :grinning: Bob Haugen @bhaugen 09:22 :wave: Alexander Praetorius @serapath 09:34 hello @fosterlynn :grinning: yes We still have and we have our software agency Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 09:35 how is it all going? Alexander Praetorius @serapath 09:35 I'm currently working on a project for a client, but we would like to connect to other companies or self employed individuals that use valueflows yes - it's kind of fine. My girlfriend and me were living in asia for the last 8 months teaching ppl javascript Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 09:36 wow Alexander Praetorius @serapath 09:36 we still have an active group in taiwan which we will visit again this winter :grinning: they are currently self organizing once a week to go through our program and the related app We want to outsource paid tasks to those learners in the future and also to refugees For now, most of our team of self employed individuals is listed on Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 09:38

I'm currently working on a project for a client, but we would like to connect to other companies or self employed individuals that use valueflows

are you looking to have all the companies and people implement a valueflows api, or are you looking for people who already have implemented it? (there is not much implemented yet, we're still very early stage) but we would definitely work with you to do so Alexander Praetorius @serapath 09:38 We try to update an overview over this ecosystem of related projects on yes both we would like to connect to people who already have it implemented and then slowly roll it out to others Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 09:43 we're doing an api (just barely started though) for some of FairCoop's software that will be VF - and there are some other implementations starting up, but none done enough yet for you to just hook in to them that I know of... pinging @elf-pavlik to see how far along Vientos is but I think that for your group, we would need to implement for all of them at once i'm looking at your links.... you have a lot going on! Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 09:51 and you should be aware that not all of the vocabulary has been agreed to.... but there is nothing like a live project to push that along, and we would commit to work to your needs as best we can (I would be happy to work directly with you) Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 10:08 here is the currently published state, first release: Alexander Praetorius @serapath 10:59 ok When i read through i get lost. It all reads nice, but i would love to start more basic. Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:00 sure Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:00 Also, we are a network of self employed ppl. All the ppl on have their own legal entities (e.g. UK limited) or sometimes "sole proprietors" Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:00 yes Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:00 or how that's called :stuck_out_tongue: ... normal freelancers So they would all like to host their own instance and then connect to others as necessary It would be very very cool to have some kind of marketplace to see in the 3D printer example what products/services are offered or which "constructions sites" exist and under which "terms of use" they stand thats how i imagined the 3D printer example ...buying printer, buying material, making a 3D model, printing & selling it all hooks into the "terms of use" of ppl already part of the "unfinished supply chain" the accounting software we use is (it's free and has an API) Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:03

So they would all like to host their own instance

like serving their own "person" or "small business" instance from their computer, or all together hosting? Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:03 from their computers or rented hosting but under their control so it should be trivially simple we all will never have employees Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:03 right Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:04 oh actually we will all have one employee ourselves :stuck_out_tongue: managing director :smiley: @ninabreznik and me will go to UK in fall to fix our employment status Bob Haugen @bhaugen 11:05 Will the coding amigos work together on projects and share income and expenses etc? Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:05 to finally be able to pay ourselves salary and dividends and are not anylonger in a legal grey area we are not sure yet - for now we try to avoid common costs and common assets Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:05 Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:05 long as we run into a use case that wont work without dealing with it We have one such use case it's co-owned by @ninabreznik and me Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:06 link above is a beginning idea for a "Person App" Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:06 so we want to turn that into a UK Ltd. company and co-own it as share holders through our personal UK Ltd. companies all costs and profits would be split according to the shares but, we did not go into detail yet Good thing: opening and maintaining a UK Ltd. can be done all online and costs 15 GBP a year so it's totally viable to open a seperate company for each app or business idea that is co-owned it's trivial and has no costs attached to report changes in the shareholder structure Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:08 valueflows is totally fine if you are a person or a UK Ltd company or whatever, all are vf:Agents and can do anything an agent can do Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:08 The UK has excellent support for all of this through their online government services (e.g. the companies house and the "her majesties revenue and customs" HMRC web apps) Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:08 nice Alex, should we move to an issue to continue to explore so this doesn't get lost? Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:09 That sounds great. So what we hope for is an easy server that i can just npm install valueflows and then npm start and the server will run and have a web interface and hopefully an easy way to connect via API to services like our accounting service ( or even the official government websites and our bank account we are now using sure please :grinning: just didnt know where to put all this Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:10 no this is cool Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:10 We try to document our project so how to open the uk limited and what is necessary. which services to use (,, etc...) and how to combine all this we would like to make it a one-click-installer (maybe electron app) to manage hosting your own instance to run your own business and connect to others Lynn Foster @fosterlynn 11:11 so, VF is vocabulary and protocols, not software - although we hope there will be lots of "native" VF apps, see here Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:12 and have some kind of market place that gives you an overview over products and services offered by others and also "construction sites" (like what resoures exist under which terms and conditions so that you can start be a little "entrepreneur" (like the guy who printed and sold a 3D model in our past printer example) that would be nice Alexander Praetorius @serapath 11:13 yay :grinning: so all this is the long term goal. it's easy to home brew our custom solution but it always faces the risk of "code rott" and it wont be build on top of a standard that many others can use too which is important to be able to connect. I'm personally always a bit reluctant to use rfd or something that is no JSON, but yeah - maybe... if i can use javascript implementations that manage that stuff in the background i might not be bothered with it so much and it probably creates some value

serapath commented 7 years ago

Our plan We will probably - over the next months or year - try to build an electron app with a little tray icon that allows a user to interact with a deamon and to deploy/manage a remote server that hosts "the business server" Where "the business server" is something, that connects to the API of companies house or other UK government institutions and to the API of and the API of in order to manage the company registration and filings, to manage the bank account and to manage the accounting software and invoicing. It will have a little dashboard to have an overview of whats going on we will then try to figure out how to show an individuals products and services ... and how to list resources/assets it has ... and how to list all "supply wishes/requests" (kind of like job offers) Then other users, who manage their company through the same software can discover and connect, by either using offered products/services or to provide the "supply requests" Once this is kind of working we plan to add the "holding" feature so several ppl using the software can co-create new projects wrapped in it's own limited and then co-owning it through shares ...this is roughly our plan

serapath commented 7 years ago

for now we are basically really boring in the sense that we do it totally traditional... in the sense that we:

...but because it's so cheap and easy and the software is open source and we will offer support, many or everyone who wants can start (especially europeans) will also be very traditional to shares (never through one's personal "Holding" Ltd., but shares for each Project encapsulated in a Ltd.) - but that's already a later stage

The "fun part" will actually happen once we start working on those contracts we will use, which will make things quite unconventional we hope - and of course more fair and open an better and we save the world and we all hug :P

fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

Harvesting a little more from the chat, some links of other projects possibly related to the discussion: (code in the api-extensions branch) enspiral-root-systems/cobuy-meta#2 is talking about something with the European REA gang and Odoo this summer, which will be related to VF in that it will be REA (assuming it happens...) is @djodjoni - Vientos is @elf-pavlik - Cobuy is @ahdinosaur

The rea-project people are just getting started but they are related to Fair Coop. The rea-project is developing a Graphql api.

almereyda commented 4 years ago

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