It solves the problem with buffers larger than 2^25 bits (32MB),
the histogram (calls) is skewed to the right and the performance
will be very if the percentile 95 is reached at the last bin.
I suffered this issue in our platform. The logs below are tests in one of our servers in production with actual traffic and load (I just changed temporarily the calibrateCallsThreshold to 12000 to get the logs faster).
It solves the problem with buffers larger than 2^25 bits (32MB), the histogram (calls) is skewed to the right and the performance will be very if the percentile 95 is reached at the last bin.
I suffered this issue in our platform. The logs below are tests in one of our servers in production with actual traffic and load (I just changed temporarily the calibrateCallsThreshold to 12000 to get the logs faster).
2017/06/03 18:08:56 Bins [{0 64} {0 128} {12001 256} {1402 512} {0 1024} {0 2048} {479 4096} {2717 8192} {5050 16384} {7222 32768} {6681 65536} {5115 131072} {3805 262144} {2872 524288} {1426 1048576} {771 2097152} {465 4194304} {245 8388608} {184 16777216} {161 33554432}]
2017/06/03 18:08:56 Changed bins to 7 128
2017/06/03 18:24:46 Bins [{0 128} {12001 256} {1292 512} {0 1024} {0 2048} {443 4096} {2607 8192} {4972 16384} {7417 32768} {6770 65536} {4932 131072} {3686 262144} {2675 524288} {1304 1048576} {758 2097152} {469 4194304} {306 8388608} {171 16777216} {116 33554432} {47 67108864}]
2017/06/03 18:24:46 Changed bins to 8 256
2017/06/03 18:41:02 Bins [{12001 256} {1234 512} {0 1024} {0 2048} {531 4096} {2767 8192} {5197 16384} {7408 32768} {6625 65536} {4952 131072} {3602 262144} {2510 524288} {1298 1048576} {807 2097152} {398 4194304} {294 8388608} {208 16777216} {114 33554432} {44 67108864} {3 134217728}]
2017/06/03 18:57:48 Bins [{12001 256} {1281 512} {0 1024} {0 2048} {462 4096} {2835 8192} {4799 16384} {6801 32768} {6339 65536} {4846 131072} {3512 262144} {2703 524288} {1158 1048576} {702 2097152} {373 4194304} {226 8388608} {189 16777216} {92 33554432} {37 67108864} {7 134217728}]