Open gitmko0 opened 4 years ago using the certficates from downloaded free from the internet. i did generate them myself with openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /usr/local/src/ssssl.key -out /usr/local/src/ssssl.crt
but it's not working too
[fasthttp HostClient not secure] -> [httptp secure] <-------> [httptp secure] -> [ nginx port 80 not secure]
just realised because i'm running the server behind aws so the ip address cannot be detected http server side. any ways to use teleportS without domain name verification?
fastrpc.Server: error on connection ""<->"234.324.234.324:43202": error in handshake: error in TLS handshake: remote error: tls: bad certificate
i've tried many self signed cert and always get this issue.
can u provide the instructions to create self signed cert to /usr/local/src/
not sure if i need to link it to the right directory or not.
Server Frontend ./httptp -inType=http -inTLSCert=/usr/local/src/alice.crt -inTLSKey=/usr/local/src/alice.key -in= -outType=teleports -out= &
Server Backend ./httptp -inType=teleports -inTLSCert=/usr/local/src/alice.crt -inTLSKey=/usr/local/src/alice.key -in=:80 -outType=http -out=
what is the problem? appreciate this.