vamolessa / pepper

simple and opinionated modal code editor for your terminal
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Support mark all cursor's position and selection #54

Closed NNBnh closed 1 year ago

NNBnh commented 2 years ago

We currently have:

keys action
m<char> save current buffer and main cursor position as a marker on register <char>
M<char> go to marker on register <char> (if it's a valid marker)

But I wish it can behave like Kakoune:

This will help user utilize the power of multi cursor way better.

vamolessa commented 2 years ago

This should be possible by comming up with a syntax for filepath + multiple cursors. It could have the potential of even allowing opening a file with cursors at multiple locations. Maybe something like pepper path/to/file.txt:2,5;6,1

vamolessa commented 2 years ago

This will be possible in v0.29.0 (currently on parse-multi-cursors branch).

vamolessa commented 1 year ago

it's now on 0.29.0