van-ess0 / qwnPlayer

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Crash (probably Qt version issue) #8

Open etam opened 8 years ago

etam commented 8 years ago

I'm using openSUSE 13.2, with Qt version 5.4.2. When I try to run qwnPlayer, I get the following messages:

etam@etam-laptop:~/tmp> qwnPlayer
QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN: Unknown placeholder %{if-info}
QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN: %{endif} without an %{if-*}
[20160211 19:10:21.281] [INFOWARNING]   [unknown:0 unknown] - QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
[20160211 19:10:21.281] [INFOWARNING]   [unknown:0 unknown] - QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::signalCollectionData(QByteArray) to ResponseDecoder::slotCollectionData(QByteArray)
Segmentation fault

Is it because qwnPlayer requires newer Qt version (5.5)?

suratovvlad commented 8 years ago

@etam Maybe.. Or not, because we tested first tag on SailfishOS with Qt 5.2, but we've found that second tag doesn't work on Jolla phone.

Pls, try following and write here results:

I'll check this one on different VMs later (tomorrow or later)

suratovvlad commented 8 years ago


Dependecies for qwnPlayer (I've just checked it on Archlinux with Qt 5.5 but anyway it must work with 5.4):

Try to build and install them (if your package manager does not contains them) to your system and check the application

P.S. Updated:

etam commented 8 years ago

So it turns out I was missing qt5-graphicaleffects (libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects on openSUSE). But why did it segfault without any error about missing import?

suratovvlad commented 8 years ago

I suppose it has no any error messages in reason of some Qt-QML libraries restricts, because I didn't find the way to add qt5-graphicaleffects dependency to .pro for qmake, only "import QtGraphicalEffects" to .qml @van-ess0 added notes about additional dependencies to Readme yesterday. I'll search the ways using qmake or something like this to resolve the issue, or just make some dependency checks directly to C++ code. So, thanks for note

suratovvlad commented 8 years ago

Fix in last commit. @etam, what do you think about this solution? Could you check it, please, uninstalling libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects for a while?

etam commented 8 years ago
QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN: Unknown placeholder %{if-info}
QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN: %{endif} without an %{if-*}
[20160218 20:27:10.768] [INFOWARNING]   [unknown:0 unknown] - QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
[20160218 20:27:10.768] [DEBUGINFO]     [src/main.cpp:65 main] - (qrc:/qml/main.qml:103:5: Type MainForm unavailable, qrc:/qml/MainForm.qml:3:1: module "QtGraphicalEffects" is not installed)

Looks better. But now the app exits with status 0, which indicates success.