van-smith / OPBM

Open Productivity Benchmark
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7zip workload contain many incompressible files #126

Open van-smith opened 12 years ago

van-smith commented 12 years ago

AMD reports that the 7zip workload contains many incompressible files, which is not typical of a normal user operation, nor is it a good benchmark test for 7zip.

rick-pritchett commented 12 years ago

This test currently uses the application installers (e.g. FirefoxSetup.exe, SafariSetup.exe, etc.) as the target files to compress. The executables will will only compress to 96-99% of their original size (i.e. reduced by 1-4%). Recommend using the 'Data' folders associated with the Browser and Office tests (e.g. googleV8, SunSpider, . These folders will compress to 20-50% of their original size thus making it a more "real world" example of how compression applications are used. The 'Data' folder range in size from 478KB (GoogleV8) to 118MB (Earthquake.accdb). The compressed files range from 117KB (GoogleV8) to 18.8MB (Earthquake.accdb).

rick-pritchett commented 12 years ago

Changed dataset for test to include Canterbury Standard and Large corpora and Access database. Excluded previous incompressible exe files. Updated baselinescores.

rick-pritchett commented 12 years ago

Recompiled 7zipRunTest to pick up baseline scores change.