Open mai-soup opened 2 years ago
Not sure if the useragent is what its supposed to be, although is seems to be fixing this problem
@vanBassum I don't believe this Issue was actually resolved. As of the current commit, the WakaTime dashboard is still showing "Unknown Editor". I suspect that it's because the code that sets the Plugin
CLI parameter has been commented out.
Yes, I think you are right, I'll see what happens when I uncomment that line. It seems I have to make some time in my schedule to improve the plugin. I'll see what I can do.
I tested this with the plugin info filled in, the wakatime client is executed like stated below. Although the heartbeat doesn't seem to contain any plugin information:
[Wakatime.ProcessHeartbeats] ["Assets\Wakatime.Unity\Editor\Utils\wakatime.exe", "--key", "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX9e56", "--entity", "C:/Workspace/Coinage/Assets/CoinDozer/Scenes/Main.unity", "--time", "1.683566E+09", "--plugin", "Unity/2021.3.14f1 com.vanbassum.wakatime/0.2.0", "--category", "coding", "--entity-type", "file", "--project", "Coinage"
It did attach the info into the 'current' endpoint
See screenshot. At first I chalked up 1m in Linux to be something I must've opened on accident earlier there, but it is increasing along with the "Unknown Editor" entry and Unity language entry, and I'm only running Unity on Windows, so it should be tagged as the OS I'm using.