vanackej / risco-mqtt-local

Provide Risco alarm system integration to Home assistant using local TCP communication (no cloud required) and MQTT
MIT License
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Connect two or more panels #33

Closed gfuentesv closed 2 years ago

gfuentesv commented 2 years ago

Hello, is posible connect two o more panels?


vanackej commented 2 years ago

Hello, Not at the moment. The best way for now would be to launch 2 separate docker containers or npm processes.

gfuentesv commented 2 years ago

Ok, Thanks.

Best Regards.

vanackej commented 2 years ago

In fact it would not be possible for now because alarm topic prefix is not configurable. @gfuentesv Do you have any coding skills to try to make a PR ? If not, I will try to have a look, but I don't know when I'll have some time to spend on it

gfuentesv commented 2 years ago

Ok, i launch separate process, and the problem is alarm topic prefix. i don't coding skills, sorry The ideal would be to be able to configure the alarm topic prefix in the configuration file risco-mqtt.json. Please, if you can give me any solution, let me know. Thank you very much.

gfuentesv commented 2 years ago

I change the panel_id, in the panel and in the configuration file, but this does not affect to alarm topic prefix.

markxroberts commented 2 years ago

@gfuentesv I've produced a fix for you to test. The js file is here:

You'll need to replace the same file in your file installation. It usually lives in /app/dist/lib

You'll need to update your config.json to include (as a separate line, not part of the MQTT config):

"mqtt_alarm_topic": "your alarm topic",

If it works for you (I can't test as I only have one installation), then let me know and I'll open a pull request to he main library.

gfuentesv commented 2 years ago

Hello, and thanks. but I can't find my file installation in /app/dist/lib. I can't find /app/dist/lib

I installed the addon automatically.

markxroberts commented 2 years ago

It will be hiding somewhere in your setup so it might be worth looking elsewhere. If you can’t find it you’ll need to wait for the pull request. I’ll try to do that in the next day or two. @vanackej will then need to approve.

gfuentesv commented 2 years ago

I can't find. I wait for the pull request.

Thank you very much.

gfuentesv commented 2 years ago

Hello, I find other way to work, now i have connect 4 panels. Run one VM HomeAssistan for each risco panel, with risco-bride and mosquitto broker addons, in the main HomeAssistan config mosquitto broker for bridge all mosquitto broker of other isntances, and config in each bride to remap topic. Work fine, but mqtt discovery not work, the sensors have to add manually in the main HomeAssistant.

But I like test the markxroberts solution.
