vanackej / risco-mqtt-local

Provide Risco alarm system integration to Home assistant using local TCP communication (no cloud required) and MQTT
MIT License
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Prefix Partition name to zone name #53

Open ekkesa opened 2 years ago

ekkesa commented 2 years ago

Currently the integration creates the zone names using _binary_sensor._.

To align with the cloud integration, and to easily mimic the Risco app to group zone switches in UI (see example below). The suggestion is to prefix the partition name to the zone. For Example: The partition name (label) is Living Area, The zone name (label) is Entrance Hall.

So the binary sensor will be _binary_sensor.living_area_entrancehall and the bypass switch will be _switch.living_area_entrancehall

                  - type: custom:fold-entity-row
                      type: section
                      label: Living Area
                      secondary_info: last-changed
                      - type: custom:auto-entities
                            - entity_id: "switch.living_area_*bypass"
                          type: entities