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Talk proposal: AI Testing Odyssey: From Foundations to Future Frontiers #20

Closed jazzatjane closed 2 months ago

jazzatjane commented 5 months ago

If you are using this form, a big thank you from the organisers 🙇‍♀ talks really help pull people in.

Anyone is welcome to talk on any topic. In the past we've talks on a super wide range of topics and we'd welcome anyone, from those new to giving talks to those experience conference speakers. Talks can be from 5-45 mins long. I mean you could do longer if you want...

About the talk

Please replace the following bits below 👇

What you as a talk proposer need to know

If you could just check these off so we know you've read them.

Additional context

nth10sd commented 5 months ago

@andymckay Any thoughts?

andymckay commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the ping @nth10sd this got totally lost in my GitHub notifications.

Thanks @jazzatjane, that sounds great. I just want to check that there's a Python angle in there, beyond a general AI talk? Some of the words like tooling, sound like it might be Python related. Just want to check its relevant to the group.

If so, April sound awesome and we can tee you up.

jazzatjane commented 5 months ago

LLM implementation is happening using Python libraries, think LangChain, and tooling on LLM observability, evaluation of LLM's, guardrails for alignment of AI, versioning of prompts etc is all in python. In today's world, python developers are better AI engineers than people who studied Deep Learning, because modelling is replaced by prompting.

andymckay commented 5 months ago

Awesome, sounds great 🙇🏾 Give us a date in April, usually Tue-Thur works best and I'll see if the venue is available.

jazzatjane commented 4 months ago

How about 23rd April?

andymckay commented 4 months ago

Confirmed @jazzatjane 👍🏾 I'll put out announcement after the next meeting, still looking to see if I can find a talk for March 😄

andymckay commented 3 months ago

@jazzatjane still cool for next week?

jazzatjane commented 3 months ago

Absolutely, slides are WIP.

andymckay commented 3 months ago

All the best talks are a WIP till the last minute 😄