vanderbilt-redcap / user-rights-by-record

Allows for both a person's user role and data access group to be based on record-by-record basis. This can be used in any REDCap project where the standard user rights and data access groups cannot easily define the needed user rights. The dashboard provided is a user interface to allow for easily assigning these specialized user rights.
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Data Import Rights #1

Open mschulze0 opened 5 years ago

mschulze0 commented 5 years ago


(how) are the rights set with this module applied to data import operations?

Also, could you maybe create a short explanation of how to configure the module? The interface is not entirely self-explanatory to me and I'm not sure I really understand how rights will be applied.

mschulze0 commented 5 years ago

My specific rights configuration problem is: I have a number of DAGs in my project and I want one user to be able to use the data import tool to import data for two instruments for ALL records across ALL DAGs. However that user should not be able to see or upload any data on any other instruments except for those two I just mentioned if the record is not in their own DAG. That user should still be able to see all instruments in their own DAG. Is this possible to set up with this module? That last condition is kind of optional. I could also just create a special user for the data upload that can only see those two instruments regardless if the record is in their own DAG or not.

mschulze0 commented 5 years ago

Also what happens when you select apply to all records? Will it also apply to new records? If not, how can I apply the rights automatically to new records as well?

moorejr5 commented 5 years ago

As it stands, this module is still limited in the scope of the things it allows for. It allows for basic expansion of a user's ability to view records on a case-by-case basis and have basic interactions with those records. Unfortunately it does not currently encompass processes like data imports or file download/uploads because of the nature of how REDCap handles those processes. It was in the scope of what this was designed for, so it wasn't implemented.

I do not believe this module can create the effects you want in regard to restricting data importing rights. I think your solution of having a user that only sees the two instruments that will have data imported, who is not in a DAG so they can see every record, is the solution you'll have to implement.