vanderfox / alexa-skills-kit-java

SDK and example code for building voice-enabled skills for the Amazon Echo.
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

Maven repository is empty for version 1.1.5_SNAPSHOT #4

Closed Moddus closed 8 years ago

Moddus commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've you visit:

There is no jar and pom file. I guess something went wrong and because of the I'm not able to update.

Thanks, for deliver an up to date version from the alexa-skills-kit-java!

rvanderwerf commented 8 years ago

Yes I will push the latest to bintray tonight, I will close when done thanks for the reminder!

rvanderwerf commented 8 years ago

Published! Follow the docs on the main readme for adding the bintray repo to your project.