Simple text sentence splitting and counting. Supports atleast english, german and dutch, possibly more. If you find it works well enough for your language, please let me know!
MIT License
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PHP Warning: mb_ereg_replace(): mbregex search failure in php_mbereg_replace_exec(): retry-limit-in-match over in /vendor/vanderlee/php-sentence/src/Multibyte.php on line 59 #27
I have no idea why it fails. I'm also not 100% sure why a UTF-8 aware method is needed here. Is it to remove non-ASCII whitespaces like non-breaking or half-width spaces? Would using preg_replace with the /u flag be an alternative?
I get above warning for some of my content. The problem happens in the trim() method:
When the warning is throw, mb_ereg_replace will return false instead of a string, breaking the rest of the script.
I created a test case to demonstrate the problem:
I have no idea why it fails. I'm also not 100% sure why a UTF-8 aware method is needed here. Is it to remove non-ASCII whitespaces like non-breaking or half-width spaces? Would using preg_replace with the /u flag be an alternative?