vandeseer / easytable

Small table drawing library built upon Apache PDFBox
MIT License
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Question/Feature Request: Adding cells column wise other than adding rows #137

Open KVSRAKESH opened 2 years ago

KVSRAKESH commented 2 years ago

I found that we can add cells row wise, like add a complete row and move to the next row. But is it possible to add cells column wise as it will be very easy to add cells at times in cases of having lists or whole column needs same styling. Similarly like we have adding styling to whole row it will be great we also have this for columns.

vandeseer commented 2 years ago


adding cells column wise is currently not supported and I think I won't add this to the library. Having said that I do understand your need for settings styles column wise. This is already supported (but maybe not properly documented).

For an example have a look here:

Hope this helps Stefan