vandeseer / easytable

Small table drawing library built upon Apache PDFBox
MIT License
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Dropped pdf2box-layout / alternative #157

Open J-N-K opened 6 months ago

J-N-K commented 6 months ago

With the drop of pdfbox2-layout the support for markup was also removed. Is there a reasonable replacement for that? Especially using sub- and superscripts is very handy.

vandeseer commented 6 months ago

Hi @J-N-K, yeah I would have loved to still support it – but that library isn't maintained since ages and is not compatible with PDFBox 3. So I had to drop it :disappointed:

To my knowledge there is no easy way to replace it, theoretically though one could fork the library and make it PDFBox 3 compatible. No idea how difficult that is, but if you do that, I'm happy to include it :wink: