vandeseer / easytable

Small table drawing library built upon Apache PDFBox
MIT License
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Question/Feature Request: Cell to be vertically or horizontally split into more small cells #167

Open FlyingDutchmanLQY opened 2 months ago

FlyingDutchmanLQY commented 2 months ago

Hello! Can a cell be split vertically or horizontally into more small cells? Or multiple cells merged into big one like excel does?

something like below image

vandeseer commented 2 months ago


Yes, you can merge cells. Please check the examples, there you can also find some code for it.

Theoretically you can also create tables within single cells, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend that approach.

Best Stefan

FlyingDutchmanLQY commented 2 months ago

Sorry, bad English. Didn't fully understand the meaning of 'span'. The example is great. But with regard to merge, can I merge cells after all the cells and rows being added, which means after the table builder finishes building. I have to add cells and rows in a loop and after that merge some of the cells.

vandeseer commented 2 months ago

No, that doesn't work. It also would render the builder useless. You would need to keep track of the cells to be merged before building.

Best, Stefan