see testfiles/anon_cex.owl in branch anon-rdf-type
the parse leaves bNodes in the OWL2-DL ontology.
I believe this is because the classAssertion rule doesn't prioritize which rdf:type edges are processed first. it starts by consuming the rdf:type Restriction node.
I have committed an inelegent workaround on this branch:
owl_parse_axiom(classAssertion(CX,X),AnnMode,List) :-
% HACK -- CJM 2011-02-10 -- parsed out from namedIndividual nodes first.
% see issue
( namedIndividual(X)
*-> true
; true),
see testfiles/anon_cex.owl in branch anon-rdf-type
the parse leaves bNodes in the OWL2-DL ontology.
I believe this is because the classAssertion rule doesn't prioritize which rdf:type edges are processed first. it starts by consuming the rdf:type Restriction node.
I have committed an inelegent workaround on this branch:
owl_parse_axiom(classAssertion(CX,X),AnnMode,List) :- % HACK -- CJM 2011-02-10 -- parsed out from namedIndividual nodes first. % see issue ( namedIndividual(X) *-> true ; true),
but there is probably a better way..