vanilla-music / vanilla

Vanilla Music Player for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support bs1770gain #452

Open adrian-bl opened 7 years ago

adrian-bl commented 7 years ago

We should verify that we are compatible with tags written by - R128 is currently only supported in Opus files, but we should probably improve our support

hboetes commented 7 years ago

For reference, the tags created by metaflac:

% metaflac --export-tags-to=- *01*|grep replay
replaygain_reference_loudness=89.0 dB
replaygain_album_gain=-7.58 dB
replaygain_track_gain=-6.81 dB

And the tags created by bs1770gain:

% metaflac –export-tags-to=- *01*|grep -i replay
breversa commented 4 years ago

Also, what about a plugin to calculate bs1770gain ? I know of no such tool on Android...

mathstuf commented 4 years ago

That seems like a deal for a separate app or just do it on a PC to me. AFAIK, Vanilla doesn't write any replaygain tags for any format.

averms commented 3 years ago

I haven't looked into this bs1770gain software but looking at the above comment it seems that the tags created by bs1770gain aren't actually compatible with either Replaygain v1 or v2. I'm not a contributor but, as a user, I don't see the point in adding this functionality.

There are plenty of programs one can use instead of bs1770gain that follow the Replaygain v2 spec:

breversa commented 3 years ago

On the contrary, I'm pretty certain that bs1770gain uses standard Replaygain tags. :)

For instance :

    comment[17]: REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN=-15.7 dB
    comment[18]: REPLAYGAIN_ALGORITHM=BS.1770
    comment[20]: REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN=-15.7 dB

Also, regarding the other mentionned tools :

Though they probably do the job well, I'd love (as quality of life) to be able to use the same app (Vanilla Music) to both calculate the bs1770gain (once) and then read the tags.

Typical use case : I discover a new artist on Bandcamp while on the go, dowload their music on my smartphone, but alas no volume normalization. :( I need to get to a computer, copy/download the files, calculate the gain (using whatever tool), then copy them back to my phone.