vanilophp / demo

Vanilo Demo Application
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Can't login user after updating user in the admin panel #12

Closed j-dohnalek closed 5 years ago

j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

I am having issues login in a user after the following steps:

  1. created new role "analyst"
  2. assigned permissions to the role "list orders, ..., etc."
  3. created new user "" 3.1 assign user as "admin" and assigned user to the newly created "analyst" role
  4. logged off admin
  5. attempted to login "" and a message comes up "These credentials do not match our records." Even if I remove the users role and change him back to clients, the user cannot login.

Any help please?

j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

Also I have cloned from the "master" branch

j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

Figured it out, the problem appear when editing the user in the admin panel. The form for editing a user contains a field for password, not supplying password to the password field and saving it changes users password.

j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

AppShell UserController@update method In the method there is a check for the existence of the password in the $request which it does exists but it is empty.

if ($request->has('password') && !empty($request->input('password')))
fulopattila122 commented 5 years ago

Preface: Please use the "stable" (0.3, 0.4 ...) versions of this repo. Everything in master is being heavily modified and possibly contains broken and/or non-integrated code

Fortunately, this bug was fixed ~2-3 days ago. What's the output of this command: composer show konekt/appshell|grep versions ?

Pulling the latest version of this repository and running composer install should solve the problem

j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

I have downloaded the demo more than a week ago composer show konekt/appshell|grep versions outputs versions : * 0.9.10 composer installNothing to install or update

I redirected the route to a controller that overrides the \Konekt\AppShell\Http\Controllers\UserController for now.

fulopattila122 commented 5 years ago

Please run composer update konekt/appshell. That will solve the problem.

fulopattila122 commented 5 years ago

Did the composer update thingy solve the problem?

j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

It says the same thing "Nothing to install or update". image

I have tried to run composer require konekt/appshell but it throws errors. image

fulopattila122 commented 5 years ago

True, gears needs to be updated as well. Please run: composer update konekt/appshell konekt/gears and let me know the results.


j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

running composer update konekt/appshell konekt/gears output: image

fulopattila122 commented 5 years ago

Looks better. What does composer show konekt/appshell|grep versions give?

j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

composer show konekt/appshell|grep versions outputs: versions : * 0.9.10

fulopattila122 commented 5 years ago

It has to be minimum 1.0.0 (latest is 1.1.0).

Either download the latest vanilo/demo (master branch) where composer.lock is already on the latest version, or manage to update AppShell with composer update konekt/appshell.

As soon as composer show konekt/appshell|grep versions gives you at least 1.0.0, then the bug is gone.

j-dohnalek commented 5 years ago

Ok, great I will, thank you for help