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Can not create a super user account #13

Closed manatech closed 4 years ago

manatech commented 4 years ago

Hi. Whenever I want to run this command it gives me an error and exits.

php artisan appshell:super

It does not let me to enter user info. It just says aborted and quits to the command prompt.

fulopattila122 commented 4 years ago

What is the error message you get? Perhaps a screenshot?

fulopattila122 commented 4 years ago

What PHP and Laravel version do you use? Are you on Vanilo 1.2 version?

fulopattila122 commented 4 years ago

Duplicate of vanilophp/framework#78. Fixing it there.

fulopattila122 commented 4 years ago

I cross-post the solution here as well, but all the details are in vanilophp/framework#78.

This issue affects PHP 7.4.0 on Windows. Upgrading PHP to 7.4.1 or higher should solve the problem.