vanita5 / twittnuker

Android 4.0+ Twitter Client
GNU General Public License v3.0
121 stars 24 forks source link

Question/Request "Who liked my stuff" possible? #119

Closed Nedorus closed 7 years ago

Nedorus commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to set up a tab whoch will show who like/faved/retweeted my tweets. This would be in analogy to the appropriate “bell“tab in the official Twitter App.

I this isn't possible currently I would like to reqiest this.

P.S.: I signed up just now to add to the twittnuker project. So if I don't know all the rules and howtos pf GITHUB fell free to let me know...

vanita5 commented 7 years ago


first of all, thank you and welcome to GitHub! 😄

The problem with showing events like retweets, favs, followings etc. is, that Twitter oficially has not made this available for third-party clients like Twittnuker.

The good news is, that you can circumvent this restriction by using official API keys from the Twitter for Android app for example. And Twittnuker has custom API settings to allow the use of custom API keys.

So, to enable events in the interaction tab, simply remove your account from Twittnuker, open the API settings, paste in official API keys if you can find them (or look into the presets 🙈), and relogin.

Nedorus commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this! Works like a charm! However, it serms I also needed to change the preset url to https://[DOMAIN] it is by default .] insyead of ].

Nedorus commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this! Works like a charm! However, it serms I also needed to change the preset url to https://[DOMAIN] it is by default .] instead of ].

vanita5 commented 7 years ago

Actually, https://[DOMAIN .] should be the correct url, however in case of Twitter, it should work either way.