vanlade-solvis / memeage

the domg boys mod
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nation of gosling impersonators #1

Open vanlade-solvis opened 1 year ago

vanlade-solvis commented 1 year ago

from anon:

I don't know if goslingposting has fallen out of favor after going too mainstream but a nation of gosling impersonators would be fun.

cav ("driver") sacred that uses hammers, a white kite shield with a golden scorpion, has poison barbs and rides a horse with barding the same color as the Driver's Malibu const ritual for sacred non-mindless clockwork golems (replicants) in Gosling's image low morale H2 Ken priest who lowers unrest in the prov he's in pretender chassis said to be Gosling Prime which is just a regular size 2 rainbow chassis that starts in the 2 dominion bracket, has Fear 5 and Awe 3