vanlummelhuizen / ASL-ELAN

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Show progress bar for downloading SB cache for Lexicon Service in ELAN #25

Open ocrasborn opened 4 years ago

ocrasborn commented 4 years ago

It's untransparent for users now what is happening, why it's taking so long (10+ min. for a GB on a fast connection), and when they can start using the features related to the lexicon service. Haven't given it any thought where or how this should be visualised, let's first discuss how realistic it is.

vanlummelhuizen commented 4 years ago

I have come up without a few (for now theoretical) options:

  1. Have a progress bar in the lexicon service dialog. Upside: all info in one place. Downside: the dialog is dismissable, so no continuous view on the progress.
  2. A non-dismissable, modeless (you can use Elan while the dialog is displayed), separate dialog with the progress. Upside: continuous view on the progress, unless... Downside: the window may be behind another window, including ELAN.
  3. An extra tab in the main Elan window showing status information, including the lexicon service progress. Upside: can be used for more than the lexicon progress (we need to talk to Han), Downside: no continuous view if another tab is opened.
ocrasborn commented 4 years ago

Hi @vanlummelhuizen : I have no clear preference. The downsides for all three are acceptable for me. I wouldn't know of other status info that could appear in a tab, but please talk to Han about this, perhaps he actually likes the idea for reasons we haven't thought of. Perhaps option 1 is most contained, and therefore preferable if 3 is not attractive for other reasons.