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🤖 Chat with your SQL database 📊. Accurate Text-to-SQL Generation via LLMs using RAG 🔄.
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回答异常 #344

Closed lccoll closed 3 months ago

lccoll commented 3 months ago

train:-- community.user_info definition CREATE TABLE user_info ( id varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '姓名', sex varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '性别', age varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '年龄' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='用户信息表'; ddl模式。 llm:Code-Llama-2-13B-instruct-text2sql 提问:人员性别分布 回答:SELECT sex, COUNT(*) FROM table_name GROUP BY sex

Here is the correct answer using the database schema:

SELECT sex, COUNT(*) FROM table_name GROUP BY sex

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (sex VARCHAR, hire_date VARCHAR)

Here is the Schema of the database:
zainhoda commented 3 months ago

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