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Why is settings for `n_results` not supported for `get_related_documentation` and `get_related_ddl`? #357

Closed imzdu closed 3 months ago

imzdu commented 3 months ago

Hi Team,

Would like to understand why the argument n_results is supported for get_similar_question_sql:

But not for get_related_documentation or get_related_ddl? See reference below:

Would like the ability to set how many documents or ddl statements to consider for in-context learning.

andreped commented 3 months ago

@imzdu Just so that you are aware. There has been implemented a PR to address this:

Hopefully it will be merged and a new release will be made very soon. Any update on when the release will be made, @zainhoda? :]

zainhoda commented 3 months ago

Oh @andreped I thought you were going to test that change on your end. If you’re good with it, I’ll release that as a minor patch

andreped commented 3 months ago

Oh @andreped I thought you were going to test that change on your end. If you’re good with it, I’ll release that as a minor patch

Oh, I meant after the release was made. Probably no need for me to test if local tests pass?

But I could do the test tomorrow, if you'd like. Just left work.