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How to write code-base specific lints for correctness and security using Semgrep 🚀 #10

Closed daghan closed 3 years ago

daghan commented 3 years ago


How to write code-base specific lints for correctness and security using Semgrep 🚀


Every code base comes with a set of built-in expectations: do things this way, don’t do things that way. There are some great tools with out of the box checks you can use, like Brakeman for security and RuboCop for linting and quality.

But what if there are code patterns you want to enforce that are unique to your code bases? Existing tools won’t have these checks, because they’re not general Ruby or framework patterns, they’re specific to you. You can augment existing tools with custom checks, but this generally requires becoming familiar with abstract syntax trees (ASTs) and the tool’s architecture. Feasible, but it takes some work.

But what if you could write lints for Ruby that are essentially just Ruby, no complicated upfront learning required?

In this talk, we’ll show how to do just that, using Semgrep (, an open source, lightweight static analysis tool.

We’ll discuss how to:

You’ll leave this talk with another open source tool in your toolbelt for helping you and your team release higher quality, more secure code, faster and easier.

About the author

Clint Gibler (@clintgibler) is the Head of Security Research for r2c, a small startup working on giving security tools directly to developers. Previously, Clint was a Research Director at NCC Group, a global security consulting firm, where he helped companies implement security automation and DevSecOps best practices as well as performed penetration tests for companies ranging from large enterprises to new startups.Clint has previously spoken at conferences including BlackHat USA, AppSec USA/EU/Cali, BSidesSF, and DevSecCon Seattle/London/Tel Aviv/Singapore. Clint holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis. Check out tl;dr sec, Clint’s newsletter that contains summaries of artisanally curated, top talks and useful security links and resources from around the web.

Intended audience

Intermediates, advanced


45 minutes

pcreux commented 3 years ago

Thank you for suggesting a talk @daghan !

We're thinking of running a Remote Meetup over Zoom during lunchtime (12 pm-1:30 pm). When would @clintgibler be available?

daghan commented 3 years ago

I believe so. Did you decide on a date?

pcreux commented 3 years ago

How would Thursday Oct, 22nd look? Tuesday or Wednesday would work as well.

clintgibler commented 3 years ago

Hey @pcreux 👋 ! Oct 22 is pretty busy for me, but Tuesday Oct 20 would be great (and Wed might work too).

pcreux commented 3 years ago

Hey @clintgibler! Let's do Tuesday Oct 20 at 12pm then! I'll post a link to the meetup event when it's announced.

clintgibler commented 3 years ago

Sounds great, thanks! Just to confirm, you mean 12pm Vancouver time (Pacific Daylight Time)?

pcreux commented 3 years ago

Correct! here is a link to the meetup.

clintgibler commented 3 years ago

@pcreux Yay awesome, thanks! :D