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Warp Speed with Postgres FDW (Foreign Data Wrapper) and Rails #18

Closed cwangrise closed 3 years ago

cwangrise commented 3 years ago


Warp Speed with Postgres FDW (Foreign Data Wrapper) and Rails


We have encountered some performance issue on one of our services. It turns out that the problem is that it makes too many http calls to another service to get employee related information. And FDW can make it a lot faster.

In this talk, I will talk about why and how we implement FDW, the prons and cons of the solution that I know of.

About the author

Canvas Wang is a senior software engineer at Rise People ( Canvas enjoys solving problems, especially in Ruby. His linkedIn profile is

Intended audience

All levels


6 minutes (lightning talk)

mctaylorpants commented 3 years ago

Thanks for presenting!