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Contributing to Ruby on Rails [Lightning Talk] #20

Closed stefannibrasil closed 3 years ago

stefannibrasil commented 3 years ago


Contributing to Ruby on Rails


f you ever get to the rails repository hoping to contribute you see +384 open issues. Which one should you pick? How do people even get started? Even worse: they all seem pretty hard.

If this daunting feeling is familiar to you, welcome to the club my friend because I know how does that feel like. By the end of this talk, you’ll feel less intimated to contribute to rails today (if you want).

About the author

co-host of the @hexdevs podcast, blogs & tweets about dev & software stuff (mostly Rails), plant-based diet, financial independence, and Mental Health. Also, cats!

You can find me on my blog.

Intended audience

all levels


6 minutes (lightning talk)

stefannibrasil commented 3 years ago

@mctaylorpants @pcreux I can't make it today. I will present it next time. Thanks!