vanruby / talks

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Device Paring with security in mind #3

Closed borisreitman closed 5 years ago

borisreitman commented 5 years ago


WhatsApp QR-code in Ruby-on-Rails


How to implement QR-code pairing, like WhatsApp does.

About the author

I focus on Internet Security, and I run a meetup in Vancouver on this subject. My background is Web Development, and I have worked with Ruby-on-Rails for a short time. Homepage:

Intended audience

All levels.


I will adapt the content to the length. The longer, the better. With longer time, I will have more time to go into encryption theory, as well as defences against "social engineering".

mctaylorpants commented 5 years ago

Hey @borisreitman, thanks for the submission!

I think this would work well as a lightning talk, since it could be useful to Ruby devs but not necessarily strongly focused on Ruby/Rails. What do you think? (We're doing lightning talks on the 14th if you're free).

borisreitman commented 5 years ago

I will do it. I have RSVPed on the meetup, and marked my calendar.

mctaylorpants commented 5 years ago

Awesome! See you then.