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TDD on the Shoulders of Giants #37

Open jarednorman opened 3 months ago

jarednorman commented 3 months ago


TDD on the Shoulders of Giants


Getting started with TDD is hard enough without having to also navigate a programming language barrier. Many of the best books on testing focus on very different languages like Java, making it tricky to apply their advice in Ruby, especially if you're new to testing. I'll go through the most important practices and techniques that we can pull from the testing literature and show how they can be applied in your day-to-day Ruby development. You'll learn how to make the most of testing in Ruby using the patterns, practices, and techniques that popularized TDD in the first place.

About the author

I'm Jared, but you can call me Jardo if you want. I run a consultancy called Super Good Software where we help organizations learn from the past to build software more effectively. I think Ruby is a wonderful language and have been building cool stuff with it for around fifteen years. When I'm not coding you'll find me surfing. When I am coding you'll find me listening to whatever new metal albums came out this week. 🤘

Intended audience

There's something for all levels, but it targets intermediate developers.


45 minutes

This talk was previously given at RubyConf Mini in 2022.