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export_to_file function (and may be other also) does not work when specifying --path in plackup #172

Closed moussaid521 closed 7 years ago

moussaid521 commented 7 years ago


When we specify a URL base in --path option in plackup (*) , everything seems working fine image

except the export_to_file function does not work, it seems not to taking in consideration this option. it gives the following error in the debug monitor, but nothing in the browser , just does not export silently: (here applied in the creatureZoo app) "POST /main/db/db_creature/export_to_file HTTP/1.1" 404 9 "http://localhost:2250/creatureZoo/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.87 Safari/537.36"

(*) The command used to launch the app: ~/yn2015/CreatureZoo$ plackup -r --path /creatureZoo

vanstyn commented 7 years ago

@moussaid521 -

Thank you for the report. This was indeed a bug, which has now been fixed (see bf9d573). I am planning on making a new CPAN release with this fix by the end of the week.