vanstyn / RapidApp

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Exception on incorrect password #183

Closed sammakkoinen closed 4 years ago

sammakkoinen commented 4 years ago

1) Install RapidApp and DBD::mysql with cpanm (I have tested on perlbrew with perls 5.24.2 and 5.30.3). (This installs Catalyst 5.90126.) 2) Create an app with --helpers RapidDbic,Templates,TabGui,AuthCore,NavCore TestApp -- --dsn dbi:mysql:database=DBNAME,root,'', where DBNAME is any existing MySQL DB 3) cd TestApp; perl Makefile.PL 4) Start the app with ./script/ 5) Go to http://localhost:3000/ and try to log in with incorrect credentials: admin:test (instead of admin:pass) 6) The result is a server error page with the following exception: Caught exception in TestApp::Controller::Auth->login "Can't call method "username" on an undefined value at /home/rp/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.30.3/lib/site_perl/5.30.3/Catalyst/Plugin/RapidApp/ line 255."

vanstyn commented 4 years ago

will be fixed in 1.3202 shipping to cpan momentarily.
