vantage6 / vantage6

The main vantage6 repository: code for the central server, nodes, CLI and Python Client
Apache License 2.0
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When running `vdev *-demo-network` it would be nice to see only the demo networks and not a list of a list of all the servers #786

Open intGRen opened 11 months ago

intGRen commented 11 months ago

vdev start-demo-network, vdev-stop-demo-network and finally vdev remove-demo-network should only prompt the user to the demo networks initiated by the function vdev create-demo-network. To do this you would just need to access the dev folder and read the network names that are there. This should belong to this pull request.

bartvanb commented 11 months ago

Another small improvement to vdev is to add the --with-ui option to starting the network

bartvanb commented 10 months ago

Some of this is already implemented in the branch change/vdev-adapt-to-v4