vantezzen / auto-form

🌟 A React component that automatically creates a @shadcn/ui form based on a zod schema.
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String Arrays Support #35

Open bidrang opened 9 months ago

bidrang commented 9 months ago

Hi there, First of all thanks for the great tool which you developed. For my case, I need AutoForm to support String Arrays. which unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to do it.

The field is as below:

highlights: z
            "e.g. Increased profits by 20% from 2011-2012 through viral advertising"
      .describe("Specify multiple accomplishments")
vantezzen commented 8 months ago

Currently, AutoForm only supports array of objects ( as inferring field labels etc. needs to be done another way otherwise. PRs welcome if you want to extend the functionality there!

bidrang commented 8 months ago

Thanks Bennett for your response. I've resolved my issue by creating a new INPUT_COMPONENTS and tweaking the AutoForm as needed. However, given the specific nature of my modifications and the number of custom changes involved, submitting a pull request might not be feasible.

salat-23 commented 8 months ago

Thanks Bennett for your response. I've resolved my issue by creating a new INPUT_COMPONENTS and tweaking the AutoForm as needed. However, given the specific nature of my modifications and the number of custom changes involved, submitting a pull request might not be feasible.

Hi, can you share the modifications? I have also stumbled upon this problem

bidrang commented 8 months ago

Hi, can you share the modifications? I have also stumbled upon this problem

For my case I created a Component for Tags listing for my project as blow:

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { Button } from "./ui/button";
import { XIcon } from "lucide-react";

type Params = {
  onValueChange?: (value: string[]) => void;
  value: string[];
  readonly?: boolean;

export function TagsListInput({ value, onValueChange, readonly }: Params) {
  const [tags, setTags] = useState<string[]>();
  const inputRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (value) {
  }, [value]);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (onValueChange && tags) {
  }, [tags]);

  return (
      {tags &&, index) => (
            key={"tag-" + index + "item"}
            className="me-1 font-normal text-xs px-2.5 py-0.5 h-auto mb-1"
            onClick={(e) => {
              let temp = tags.filter((str, idx) => idx != index);
            <XIcon className="ms-2 w-3" />
        placeholder="Enter Keyword"
        className="text-sm px-2.5 py-0.5 border-muted border w-32"
        onKeyDown={(e) => {
          if (e.key === "Enter" || e.key === "Tab") {
            let temp = tags;
            if (!temp) temp = [];
            if (inputRef.current) {
              temp.push((inputRef.current as HTMLInputElement).value);
              (inputRef.current as HTMLInputElement).value = "";

And I added an Autoform Field to the Autoform.ts file to support this new field as below:

function AutoFormTagsInput({
}: AutoFormInputComponentProps) {
  return (
        {isRequired && <span className="text-destructive"> *</span>}
      {fieldConfigItem.description && (
      <FormMessage />

I added the support for the new component to the INPUT_COMPONENTS type as below:

  tags: AutoFormTagsInput,
  textlist: AutoFormTextListInput,

And in AutoForm usage I set the FieldConfig as below:

                keywords: { fieldType: "tags" },

BTW, as I noted Bennett has refactored the project a lot. So, you must figure out how to do this approach on the updated project structure.

I hope it helps.