vantezzen / auto-form

🌟 A React component that automatically creates a @shadcn/ui form based on a zod schema.
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Default value priority #68

Open cipriancaba opened 3 months ago

cipriancaba commented 3 months ago

I've hit a situation where I define the values in the schema, which is stored in a static file, but I want to override the default values via fieldConfig.inputProps which I feel should get priority

I would suggest the following change here:

Instead of

if (
        (defaultValue === null || defaultValue === "") &&
      ) {
        defaultValue = (fieldConfig?.[key]?.inputProps as unknown as any)

I would change this to:

if ((fieldConfig?.[key]?.inputProps as unknown as any)?.defaultValue) {
        defaultValue = (fieldConfig?.[key]?.inputProps as unknown as any)

This way the inputProps will get the highest prio and override the schema default value. What do you think @vantezzen ?